They call him a maverick. They call his music prodigious. They hang to words he says on stage, between songs. They go at him for comments made in his columns.
Vocalist T M Krishna draws the ayes and the nayes at kuctheri stages and outside them.
If the packed audience of some 3000 plus at the Big Mantap in Chamarajpet was some indication, it showed that TMK, as he is known by friends is a big draw at concerts.
He sailed into his concert after an extended preparation of himself and of his accompanists - Manoj Siva, B S Purushothaman and Dr Hemalatha.
He stamped in signature concert style, exploring the raga long and deep, a pace that remianed meditative and slow as rasikas sat back to soak in.
There were requests for some popular songs but TMK put them aside and went his way.